The Caribou Mathematics Competition or Caribou Cup is an international online math contest held six times over the school year, typically over 2 days in October, November, January, February, April, and May. Each contest is run at the 7 contest levels, Grades K/1, 2, 3/4, 5/6, 7/8, 9/10, and 11/12. Contest questions and solutions are now offered in English, French, Persian, Mandarin, Ukrainian, Khmer, Vietnamese, Bahasa Melayu, and the list keeps growing!

Caribou Contests is the brainchild of Dr. Thomas Wolf, a German professor of Mathematics at Brock University in Canada. The idea for starting a math contest stemmed from his childhood experiences of participating in a hierarchy of math contests (school, regional, provincial, national). He consulted local school boards in the Niagara Region in Canada, seeing the need for an extra-curricular challenge to promote mathematics learning. He founded Caribou Contests Inc., naming it “Caribou” after the Canadian reindeer.

Caribou Contests are different from traditional math contests in many respects. First, they are online. Second, the questions are interactive and more engaging than standard calculations done on paper. Third, because math is like a sport in which you need constant practice and motivation to get better, there are multiple contests in a year, with the ability to practice past contest questions and interactive games in exactly the same conditions as the real challenges.

There are many ways students can prepare for upcoming math contests. Here are a few:

Join or form a math club at their school
Watch videos on YouTube or Dailymotion
Try a past conteston Caribou website (previous October contest and solutions are free, others are available for purchase)
Purchase Practice Tests + Written Solutions or All-Inclusive access in the Online Shop. (You must be signed in to access purchases made for your account.)
Practice the games on the Games page in preparation for interactive questions. Using fun math & logic games, are announced 2 weeks in advance.
Math History questions (two contests per year) are announced 2 weeks in advance.
Read the ‘Food for Thought’ section of certain games to learn strategies for these games.
Read up on the History page to prepare for History questions

The Caribou Mathematics Competition or Caribou Cup is an international online math contest held six times over the school year, typically over 2 days in October, November, January, February, April, and May. Each contest is run at the 7 contest levels, Grades K/1, 2, 3/4, 5/6, 7/8, 9/10, and 11/12. Contest questions and solutions are now offered in English, French, Persian, Mandarin, Ukrainian, Khmer, Vietnamese, Bahasa Melayu, and the list keeps growing!

Caribou Contests is the brainchild of Dr. Thomas Wolf, a German professor of Mathematics at Brock University in Canada. The idea for starting a math contest stemmed from his childhood experiences of participating in a hierarchy of math contests (school, regional, provincial, national). He consulted local school boards in the Niagara Region in Canada, seeing the need for an extra-curricular challenge to promote mathematics learning. He founded Caribou Contests Inc., naming it “Caribou” after the Canadian reindeer.

Caribou Contests are different from traditional math contests in many respects. First, they are online. Second, the questions are interactive and more engaging than standard calculations done on paper. Third, because math is like a sport in which you need constant practice and motivation to get better, there are multiple contests in a year, with the ability to practice past contest questions and interactive games in exactly the same conditions as the real challenges.

There are many ways students can prepare for upcoming math contests. Here are a few:

Join or form a math club at their school
Watch videos on YouTube or Dailymotion
Try a past conteston Caribou website (previous October contest and solutions are free, others are available for purchase)
Purchase Practice Tests + Written Solutions or All-Inclusive access in the Online Shop. (You must be signed in to access purchases made for your account.)
Practice the games on the Games page in preparation for interactive questions. Using fun math & logic games, are announced 2 weeks in advance.
Math History questions (two contests per year) are announced 2 weeks in advance.
Read the ‘Food for Thought’ section of certain games to learn strategies for these games.
Read up on the History page to prepare for History questions

Age Criteria Rounds Cost & Payment Dates To Remember Results Merit & Awards

Any school-aged child from K-12 can participate in Caribou Contests.

  • 7 grade levels are offered (K/1, 2, 3/4, 5/6, 7/8, 9/10, 11/12)
  • Each student can participate in only one contest level.
  • Students can participate either at their grade level or higher, never a lower grade level.
  • Strong candidates are encouraged to participate at a higher level.
  • Try out previous contests first to decide in which grade level to participate.
  • Caribou Contests are offered six times per school year (October – May).
  • The Contest takes place on 6 two-day events in the school calendar for all grade levels.
  • The students may participate on either of the given two days as per their convenience or teacher’s discretion. The contests can be started from any time between 7:30 am and 7:30 pm.
  • An adult must be present to supervise the contest and ensure fair participation.
  • Once started, students have 50 consecutive minutes to complete the test.
  • If a student is idle for 30 minutes, their participation will automatically close.
  • Calculators are neither permitted nor necessary. We recommend using a pencil and paper.
  • Students are to write the test independently, with no outside help
    (i.e. from other students, parents, teachers, cheat sheets, textbooks, the internet etc.)
  • Participants may not communicate about the questions before the end of the 2nd contest day.
  • Students may only participate in one contest level. We count on the supervising adults and the integrity of participants to ensure that these rules are followed. However, we have also developed a series of statistical tools to help identify unfair participation.
  • When unfair participation is detected, we reserve the right to remove the student’s contest entry from ranking. For more information about these tools, see the page

Competition Cost:

Grade KG -1 is Free

Grade 2- 4 the fee is US $ 9 (Contest Fee 9 CAD and 3.4 CAD are international transaction charges)

Grade 5- 12 the fee is US $ 13.5 (Contest Fee 15 CAD and 3.6 CAD are international transaction charges)

School Registration is US $ 235

The school registration will only be entertained by confirmation from the school officials.

*Once paid, a student can participate in all rounds.

  • In order to confirm your registration, please fill out the form by clicking on (Register Now) in the tab below.
  • You will receive a confirmation email within 24 hours.
  • Payment is nonrefundable if you are unable to participate in the competition after registration.

Round 5:  3rd -4th April, 2024

Round 6: 1st-2nd May, 2024

Results: Participants will be able to see their full results on the evening of each contest’s end.

Round 1 : Click Here

Round 2 : Click Here

Round 3 : Click Here

Round 4 : Click Here

Round 5 : Click Here

National Caribou Cup Standings : Click Here

  • All participants will receive e-certificates of participation and merit for individual contests and for the whole Caribou Cup, which counts the best 5 out of 6 contests.
  • Cash prizes are also awarded to top-performing students at the end of the year. For more info on prizes visit:


Academic Quests will follow partner policy and only send e-certificates

Caribou Contest

We understand the importance of approaching each work integrally and believe in the power of simple.

Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)