Once upon a time, in the ancient days of humanity, we were a bunch of curious folks. We gazed at the stars, watched plants grow, and puzzled over animal antics. We played with fire (carefully!) and learned to cook and stay warm. It was all trial and error, like cooking up the first barbecue. Fast forward to today, where research has gone high-tech and super-specialized. But guess what? Our quest for knowledge and understanding is still going strong!

Does anyone know the origin of the term ‘research’?

The word research is derived from the Middle French “recherche“, which means “to go about seeking”.

The earliest recorded use of the term was in 1577.


Unlocking the World of
Academic Exploration for Students

Academic Quests takes pride in collaborating with international organisations to provide enriching opportunities for students.

Interested in working one-on-one with a Ph.D. mentor to learn about the cutting edge in their field of interest and produce an independent research project?

It’s time to join the global community of ambitious students by becoming a part of the Lumiere Education program. Eye on Ivy has introduced this summer program in Pakistan, founded by Harvard and Oxford Researchers, designed for students aspiring to join Ivy League schools after completing high school.

Lumiere is a highly competitive research program that guides students in becoming curious thinkers, passionate learners, and ambitious leaders.

Their aim is to nurture the future generation into a diverse community of researchers from all kinds of backgrounds because they believe that exceptional researchers are everywhere. Lumiere has different research programs for various ages and skill levels to make it accessible to many people. Every program comes in four sessions: spring, summer, fall, and winter. Lumiere Education’s mission includes making research chances more accessible for high school students, so they provide financial aid and scholarships to their scholars.

At Lumiere, it’s believed that talent shines brightest when coupled with dedication and passion. With this in mind, there are some expectations for the academic community members. Lumiere values curiosity and a strong academic record. They’re interested in scholars who engage with the world around them through their projects, classes, and extracurricular activities. It’s important to be able to work independently because, in addition to mentor sessions, the students need to dedicate 5-10 hours per week to their projects. This requires self-discipline and a commitment to producing a high-quality final paper.

Prospective applicants should not worry if they’re not an expert in their field or topic before starting research. Lumiere is a community of learners, and it’s perfectly okay not to have a deep background in your areas of interest. In fact, this research program is an excellent place for students to start exploring something new!

Programs Offered

Individual Research Program
  • 12 weeks Program
  • 9 individual sessions with world-class researchers
  • 2 individual sessions with a writing coach
  • 5 workshops on research process
  • 15-page research paper
Cost $2,990
Premium Research & Publication
  • 16-20 weeks Program
  • 15 individual sessions with world-class researchers
  • 4 individual sessions with a writing coach
  • 5 workshops on research process
  • 4 individual sessions with publication specialist
  • Publication plan created by Lumiere publication team for student
Cost $5,900
Research Fellowship Programs
  • 6–12-month program
  • 24-30 individual sessions with world-class researchers
  • 6 individual sessions with the writing coach
  • 5 workshops on research process
  • 4 individual sessions with a publication specialist
  • Publishing and sharing the paper at a college-level journal or                 prestigious competition/conference
Cost $8,900
Professor Premium Publication Program
  • 3–4-month program
  • 15 individual sessions with world-class researchers
  • 4 individual sessions with the writing coach
  • Professors from Top 20 universities
  • 4 individual sessions with a publication specialist
  • 1-4 months Publication time
  • Publication in high-school or college-level journal
Cost $9,400
Lumiere believes that research opportunities should be accessible to all.
To broaden research access, Lumiere extends
financial aid and scholarships to its scholars.

Evidence from the 2022-23 Admissions Results.

Many Lumiere scholars who benefitted from Lumiere’s financial aid program for their research have now been offered admissions into top colleges like Stanford, Columbia, Cornell, and Brown.

Application Process

After your diligent efforts in achieving an outstanding academic record, the application process for the Lumiere Program is a straightforward four-step process.

Step 1: Online Application Submission

To embark on the journey as a scholar, application completion is the first step. Each cohort has its own application deadline, so make sure to submit the application before that date.

Step 2: The Interview Round

If your application makes the cut, next will be the interview round. During this stage, you will have the opportunity to chat with a Lumiere staff member and explore more about your research interests and ideas.

Step 3: Finding the Mentor

Following the interview, the Lumiere team will get to work finding the perfect mentor match for you based on your interests and goals. You will be notified about your application decision during this phase.

Step 4: Let the Research Begin!

Once paired with your chosen mentor and have sorted out all the necessary logistical details,  you are ready to officially commence the journey as a Lumiere Research Scholar!

Research Areas





International Relations

Computer Science

Gender Studies



Business & Entrepreneurship

Data Science

Environment & The World


Psychology of Organizations


Behavioral Economics, Economics Policy Analysis

International Policy, International Security

Machine Learning, Software Development Systems

Gender & Education in Global & Comparative Perspectives, Reproductive Politics

Civil & Environmental Engineering, Chemical & Biology Engineering

Organic & Inorganic Chemistry, Chemical Kinetics & Dynamics

Technology Adoptions in Firms

Deep Learning

Understanding Global Warming, The Environmental History of The Earth

Customize your own research topic, if not currently available in the above offerings.
2024 Lumiere Cohorts
  • Winter Cohort 2024: 24th November, 2024
2025 Lumiere Cohorts
  • Spring Cohort 2025: 9th February, 2025


  • Summer Cohort 2025:
  1. Early Admission: 9th February, 2025
  2. Priority Admission: 9th March, 2025
  3. Regular Admission 1: 13th April, 2025
  4. Regular Admission 2: 11th May 2025
  • Summer Cohort II 2025: 23rd June, 2025
  • Fall Cohort 2025: 25th August, 2025

This Program:

  • Emulates an online class with mentor and 5-6 students.
  • First 4 sessions: group meetings.
  • Next 5 sessions: one-on-one mentor sessions for research.

Proceed With Your Registration

We understand the importance of approaching each work integrally and believe in the power of simple.

Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)