Quill & Scroll History:

Quill & Scroll International Journalism Honorary Society for High School Journalists was organized on April 10, 1926, at the University of Iowa by renowned pollster George H. Gallup and a group of high school advisers for the purpose of encouraging and recognizing individual student achievement in journalism and scholastic publication.

Since its founding, school charters have been granted to more than 11,300 high schools in all 50 states, the District of Columbia and 29 foreign countries. Media advisers in chartered schools are eligible to recommend outstanding high school journalism students for membership in Quill and Scroll International Honorary Society.

Induction into the Quill & Scroll International Journalism Honorary Society:

Quill and Scroll chapters have been established at more than 11,400 schools around the world. When a candidate is recommended for membership, the student or the school journalism program pays a one-time initiation fee of $25. The Society then provides the initiate with a lifetime membership certificate.

Membership is open to all media staff members in a chartered or member high school or a chartered company that supervises student journalism.

Criteria Cost & Payment Dates To Remember

Members of Quill & Scroll International Journalism Honorary Society must be chosen from students enrolled in the high school who, at the time of their recommendation, meet the following requirements:

  • Students must be of freshman, sophomore, junior or senior classification (Class 9 and above).
  • Student must have the equivalent of a B grade average, or be in the upper third of their class in general scholastic standing, either for the year of their election or for the cumulative total of all high school work.
  • Student must have done superior work in some phase of journalism or school media work. They may be staffers of a magazine, newspaper, yearbook, news organization, online site or radio/television station at the school, or one conducted by an external organization. Student needs to provide proof of three publications after Grade 9.
  • Student must be recommended by the supervisor or by the committee governing the media (a letter of recommendation from the English teacher or Literature teacher can be provided in lieu of media committee).
  • Student must be approved by the Quill and Scroll Executive Director.

Competition Cost: $28 (Contest Fee $25 and $3 are international transaction charges)

  • In order to confirm your registration, please fill out the form by clicking on (Register Now) in the tab below.
  • You will receive a confirmation email within 24 hours.
  • Payment is nonrefundable if you are unable to participate in the competition after registration.

Submission Deadline Date:

15th November, 2024


Quill & Scroll

We understand the importance of approaching each work integrally and believe in the power of simple.

Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)